6-Week Writing and Critique Group – Los Angeles
This Critique Group has ended. Please check out our writing workshops schedule page for currently scheduled workshops or join our mailing list.

This moderated writer’s group is a place to forge those connections, create new material, and bring work in (optional) for constructive and helpful supervised critique.
We welcome writers of any level, writing in any genre. You can be working on a draft or just want to write for fun and self-exploration.
In each meeting:
- Create new content through writing exercises to refine your craft and upgrade your prose
- Find motivation, inspiration, and community
- Bring work in for guided feedback from the instructor and your fellow writers
- Learn how to give constructive critique
- Create deadlines if you want accountability
- Get your questions answered
- Start writing again
Each meeting, you can (not required) bring in up to 10 pages (double-spaced, 1″ margins, 12 pt font).
We are located in West Hollywood, California and run groups throughout the Los Angeles area and online.
If you are interested in receiving critique or guidance on your book project, please Schedule a Free Consultation or check out our Private Coaching options. View all creative writing workshops here.