Short Story Editing Services

Take your writing to the next level. 

short story editing services

Why short story editing?

Developing writers often feel that a short story is a good place to start getting published. There’s some truth to this strategy. Short stores are smaller and more manageable than writing a novel. Stort stories must also have structure, conflict, character development, a hook, and stakes, all of which require skillful brevity and exceptional scene writing skills. You also need to understand the difference between a character-centered story and a plot-driven story.

The short story is a genre all its own.

Whether you are working on a short story collection, or working on your first short story, feedback is essential.

You don’t have to have a completed story to work with an editor.

If appropriate, we can also talk about the next steps: the publishing process, agents, query letters, and presses where your writing might fit.

Book a Consultation and explore our Short Story Editing Services today.

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