Testimonal for Nicole Criona’s 15-Day Writing Challenge:
Having no real knowledge of what I was about to experience, I signed up for Nicole Criona’s 15-Day Writing Challenge offerred through Lawritersgroup.com. The invitation struck home because for some time now, I have not been writing daily, and it was getting harder and harder to do so. Needless to say, Criona’s Writing Challenge was exactly what I needed. I am writing this on day sixteen, after successfully turning in each daily assignment, and can say that my own personal joy in writing has happily returned.
As far as the structure of the course, the lessons arrive daily, early enough to accomodate any preferred writing schedule that you may have. Personally, I like being able to vary my schedule, so that I never have to worry about missing an exact time period, and sabotaging myself. Others probably find a schedule to be very helpful. My point is that Criona has designed the course so that as long as you write every day, her lessons are definitely ready and available whenever you are. She also encourages great community interaction in a completely positive manner, so that all who would choose to be successful at her challenge will be successful at it.
The lessons vary. Some days that writing is very easy and accessible in a warm and supportive way. Lessons vary from investigations of how to best support your own writing ethic and habit through some assignments that can be complex and challenging. They do not have to be, but she definitely provides room to flex and to stretch our writing tools.
From the start, Criona emphasizes that all of our daily writing assignments are submitted as first drafts, and smartly emphasized that rather than being critical in any way of each other’s writing, we should limit our comments to the supportive, helpful variety that serve to celebrate each of our successes. Should a writer ever fall behind, Criona make sure to provide a warm and welcoming environment that is permissive, and makes it completely okay to continue at the pace that you need, and to return to, or to remain in the fold.
There is a small cost to the challenge, but is is low enough, and fair enough that I wonder if the charge could in any way cover the cost of the challenge, much less provide any type of profit. I did think twice about paying, but not only am so glad that I chose to bear the cost of the freight, but I could see how, psychologically, putting up a few Yankee Dollars could help to seal the motivation to complete. Since this course is marketed to those like me who had become inveterate procrastinators, multiple motivation methods can be very useful.
To anyone considering this, or any workshop offered by Nicole Criona, I certainly give my whole-hearted endorsement. She is a very gentle, generous person who really delivers far more than expected, and has a way of encouraging not only the completion of your goals, but an experience that will make you feel great about yourself, as well as about your writing.”
-Rich M
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