Navigating the Submission Process for Short Stories & Poetry

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Learn submission strategies from an expert.

Writing Workshop - Navigating the Literary Submissions Process

Figuring out how to navigate the submission process for short stories and poetry can feel daunting and confusing. Join Nicole online for a live online workshop where Nicole will interview Resa Alboher, one of the current and founding editors of The St. Petersburg Review, about the ins-and-outs of researching and submitting short stories and poetry for publication in print and online literary magazines.

Navigating the Submission Process: Topics We Will Cover

  • How to research potential publishers
  • Where to submit your work
  • How to submit your work
  • How you know when your work is ready for submission
  • The role of cover letters
  • Simultaneous submissions
  • Resubmitting after rejection

How to attend Navigating the Submission Process:

This workshop – Navigating the Submission Process – will take place via Zoom live video conference, so you can participate from anywhere. We will be able to see and hear you (although you can mute both your audio and video if you wish) and you will be able to see us. How it works:

  • When you register, you will receive a link.
  • You DO NOT have to download the app or sign up for Zoom in advance.
  • At the workshop start time, click on the link.
  • Zoom will download to your device.
  • Pay attention to any popups as they will ask you about your audio and video choices.
  • Read more about how to join a meeting.

Computer Requirements:

Read Zoom requirements here, but here is a less-technical summary:

  • Join from any computer, tablet, or phone, but if you use your phone, you will have limited functionality.
  • Use your earbuds or a headset with a microphone.
  • Try to be in a quiet location, not a coffee shop, if you can help it.
  • Your device must have a microphone and a camera, and if you don’t have it, you can dial in via phone.
  • Have high-speed internet access.
  • Sit near your wifi.
  • Sit in a well-lit location so you don’t look like a stalker.

If you are interested in receiving critique, please check out our Private Coaching.